Saturday, November 29, 2008


I have been monitoring the news around the world here lately and it strikes me that not much has changed in the last 200 years. I mean, for example there is still turmoil in the middle east, the French still think they are important and we still have pirates roaming the shipping lanes.

I can just imagine some of those Pirates and their conversations..............

"ARRRR matey....look alive there! Heave those throttles on that Deetroit Deesiel.....we be catchin that oil tanker by sundown or my name ne'er be Blackbeard Habib!"

"Ye scurvy swine......Git me the kiptin on the RRRRRRadio!"

"Heave to you oily scum......or we be firin ar RRRPG's at your filthy bridge!'

"Avast! crew be weary this eve.....jackin' ships....RRRRRaidin' the sea lanes......RRRRansomin' ......keelhaulin'.....plank walkin......all takes a heavy toll on a buccaneer."

" Our treasure be large...but the tale is told of a brace of Pirates in the New World that has pillaged and ransomed and thieveried a whole country......nay they say the World!!"

" Aye.....they be feared and owed tribute by the citizens......blood money they will pay for generations." maggot infested must whisper there names , lest ye be enslaved by them."

" Lower your tone....mate.....they be called by " Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

Aye...the above was posted by GWH....a pirate that follows the code. ( It's not so much a code as a set of guidelines).....from the poop deck.....

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Black Friday!! (Insert Creepy Laugh)

Today is a day that is dreaded by men of all ages and walks of life. While none of you want to, many of you will be waiting in line for hours on end waiting for that bargain gift.  Listed below are 5 things to do while waiting in line. The first definition is the word as defined by the "experts", the second definition is that of WBS, the only true experts. Enjoy :)

1) Plan (Experts) By setting new goals and time limits, you will be able to find a way to continue to reach your goals for the rest of your day.(WBS) Figure a way to get the heck out of line                                     

2) Refocus  (Experts) If you have a busy schedule, use the time that you are waiting to refocus. Go over your schedule for the day, find what you need to do for the rest of the day, and figure out what to do to re-manage your time. If you have a handheld device or a notebook with a list, you can look over what your list has for the day. (WBS)If your plan to get out of line did not succeed, you must gather yourself, refocus, and create a new plan.  If at first you don't succeed, try, try again. 

3) Organize your time. (Experts) If you have your calendar with you, and have already set your lists, then figure out how much time it will take you to complete the tasks and goals that you have on your schedule for that day. Planning out how long it will take you to finish your tasks of the day is an effective use of time while waiting in line or waiting for an appointment. (WBS) You must find, and I repeat MUST find a good spot to lay down your head. Bring a pillow as well. The only good way to organize time while waiting in line is to nap.

4) Bring along the smaller tasks (Experts) Sometimes, there are smaller things that need to be completed or looked through. If you need to finish a smaller task, doing so while waiting in line is a great time to catch up on what you may have not necessarily have done when the focus was on the larger tasks and goals that were set for the day. (WBS) Bring a nerf gun so you can shoot at any unsuspecting town folk; should make for a good laugh. If you are waiting in the wee hours of the morning you should bring a Luminator to wing in the dark. Be mindful that you must be on guard for sudden light failure. 

5) Re-energize (Experts) If the day is particularly busy for you, this is a good time to not do anything except wait. Use waiting time as a time to calm down, find your focus, and relax. Downtime is always good and necessary in any day that is full of activities and planning. (WBS) Drink Dew; after all Williams Bros. Safaris is a dewmocracy 

Enjoy the lines and try not to kill anyone. We must learn to cope with Black Friday and all other evil brought about by the left wing.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008



1. Deer rodeo's
2.Tophy Bucks
3.The barrel stove.
4. Toe warmers
5.Archery weekend,
6.Firearms weekend #1
7.Firearms weekend #2
8.Christmas at the Cabin
9.Summer sausage
10.Political forums
11.WBS Caucus
12.Titanium Screws
13. Nirvana experiences
14.International Space Station flyover
15.Air Force One flyover
16.Whisker bisket.



Monday, November 17, 2008

TOP THREE ALL-TIME INVENTIONS voted by the wbs brothers

1) DVR (Digital Video Recorder)

Real Men have had their lives revolutionized by this wonderful God sent device. Mamma's got dinner ready, simply pause the game and miss nothing for up to two hours. Mother nature calls....same thing (hopefully not for two hours).

2) The YELLOW LINE that shows the first down yardage.

Is this a great country or what? Men all across America used to have to burn major brain cells to calculate this needed data, now we can relax and eat another chip!


Because... (don't be surprised if it drops down as the list grows over time)

General Buck

Friday, November 14, 2008

Greetings from the West Wing,

As a member of WBS, it is a great honor to blog with the great minds of the Safari brothers. From the time the foundation of WBS was constructed it has been a true American success story. Whether it be world political problems, the stock market, agriculture, big game hunting strategies, or monitoring the local Rank-o-meter, WBS maintains the integrity and wiz-dom created at its inception.
I look forward to many cognitive blogs in the days ahead.


Thursday, November 13, 2008

Merger Possible

Greetings fellow WBS staff. Through the incredible inventive mind of Algore the internet brings us together. Just viewed the Obama video that was posted. Great stuff!

Just read this on on the street is WBS and GM are discussing merger . As soon as WBS receives bailout money from the Fed the deal could go through. WBS would retain the Hummer brand and the Silverado and Suburban truck lines. ( and of course the Corvette) Every other model would be discontinued immediately. Factories that would have been building Pontiacs or Malibus or Cobalts or Aveos or whatever will now be converted to building tree stands, atv trailers, fish gigs and white gas camping lanterns. When this leaks to the drive-by press, no doubt that Wall Street will respond positively.

Just a wall street investment banker once said...." Past perfomance is no indicator of future returns" Man....that is an understatement!

Signing off......from the bunker.....under the compound.....GWH

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama Raps

Here is the deal, watch this video and you will laugh.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Hello World!

This is the inaugural WBS blog post, the first publication in a long legacy of manliness and of future manliness to occur. If you are reading this and do not know about the full Williams Bros. Safari experience send us an email and we will enlighten you.  A wealth of knowledge awaits you, this is only the beginning. 

- Marlin