Saturday, November 29, 2008


I have been monitoring the news around the world here lately and it strikes me that not much has changed in the last 200 years. I mean, for example there is still turmoil in the middle east, the French still think they are important and we still have pirates roaming the shipping lanes.

I can just imagine some of those Pirates and their conversations..............

"ARRRR matey....look alive there! Heave those throttles on that Deetroit Deesiel.....we be catchin that oil tanker by sundown or my name ne'er be Blackbeard Habib!"

"Ye scurvy swine......Git me the kiptin on the RRRRRRadio!"

"Heave to you oily scum......or we be firin ar RRRPG's at your filthy bridge!'

"Avast! crew be weary this eve.....jackin' ships....RRRRRaidin' the sea lanes......RRRRansomin' ......keelhaulin'.....plank walkin......all takes a heavy toll on a buccaneer."

" Our treasure be large...but the tale is told of a brace of Pirates in the New World that has pillaged and ransomed and thieveried a whole country......nay they say the World!!"

" Aye.....they be feared and owed tribute by the citizens......blood money they will pay for generations." maggot infested must whisper there names , lest ye be enslaved by them."

" Lower your tone....mate.....they be called by " Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac."

Aye...the above was posted by GWH....a pirate that follows the code. ( It's not so much a code as a set of guidelines).....from the poop deck.....

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