Friday, December 5, 2008

The Deer Hunters Trifecta

The 2008 deer season was looking like it could be a good one . Early October was revealing a lot of deer sign, the really good know, tracks.....with a deer standing in them! The tree stands were mostly up at WBS ranch and bow season was on. I had a favorite stand near a pond and a stand of white oaks and on November first took a nice young 7 pt. buck with a strange warped rack.

Now the firearms season rolls around and I am are fired up. I have seen alot of nice buck deer during the bow season. I am little more selective with the 280 Remington and all of the stands are producing deer for the fellow WBS hunters. I have to wait for the second weekend; I passed up shots on smaller bucks....too many big fellows running around to settle for a youngster! I climb the nice new API ladder stand that 2 bucks have been shot from previously and .....on that Saturday morning....... it was literally a deer rodeo for 2 hours!

At first light deer of unknown sex move out of the thicket to my left....a small buck appears out of the gloom, wandering aimlessly. Minutes pass...a bigger buck appears 2oo yards out front and disappears, only to reappear 5 minutes later 50 yards away. Then to my left, coming down the hill at race horse speed comes a doe with a 8 pt buck in hot pursuit! But wait....another bigger buck is trailing those two! They come tearing across the pasture, cross the dry branch next to me and run directly under my stand....I mean DIRECTLY under! They wind up back in the open pasture.....all stop....all breathing heavily....the bucks are slobbering and sucking air. Then what do you think happens.....yup you got it ...ANOTHER good 8pt shows up and wants to fight! The biggest 2 bucks fight ......and when the doe moves off into the brush they stop and a walk I might add! Twenty minutes pass and a doe moves in followed by a decent buck....moving slowly along the branch toward me. They are in the buck brush and sprouts and are hard to see....but they keep coming toward me. The doe crosses the branch and the 8 point buck within 40 yards! The buck is good and with everything I have seen so far, this will be a great way to end the season. He moves out from behind the hackberry tree and offers a broad side shot. I take it and the big eight is down.

Now all is good.....two bucks with two different weapons....I have done this before. But now I have a muzzloader and that season is open now. It would be cool.....nay I say fairly awesome to take a doe with the blackpowder and have a milestone season. So it is Sunday morning.....temperature 29 degrees , wind northwest at 20 and light snow. Man is wonderful! I am in the same tree stand, brushing the snow of the Williams steel fiber optic sights and here come two does headed for the thicket and a break from the wind. The big doe gets nervous....she is one of those that looks up in trees.....and knows something is not right....but it is too late. The Traditions Pursuit Pro comes down out of recoil and I look through the smoke to see her run about 50 yards and collapse.

It is a good day....three deer....three different year.....2008.

The Deer Hunters Trifecta.....that is what I will call it....yeah....a real good day......


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